Why we stand
"Stand with Mario" was created by an inspirational young man with a passion for life and a determination to thrive. Mario was born 2 months premature in the back of an ambulance and was not expected to survive. He has two rare syndromes that have caused a multitude of challenges including, some facial paralysis, impaired hearing, loss of the use of his legs and developmental delays. He has short lungs. one kidney and has undergone multiple surgeries. Despite all of these obstacles, Mario continues to enjoy his life to the fullest. He is a happy, enthusiastic young man. The one thing Mario loves most is friendship. Mario has made it his mission to promote friendship and kindness for all. All of the proceeds from the sale of Stand With Mario merchandise will go towards purchasing and installing Buddy Benches for elementary schools. Students that are feeling left out or lonely sit on the Buddy Bench until somebody comes over to invite them to play. Mario wants to get kids to get off the bench and Stand With Mario. "I can help people to become friends! I love friends!" Mario says.